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 Book Reviews.
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Gracelife Book reviews are written by Free Grace-based authors who provide feedback about publications currently available. All contents are peer reviewed and published with permission by the authors. Signup for the RSS feed link to stay abreast of new releases.

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About our reviews

Often times it's difficult to get a clear, concise, and free grace perspective on a book. When reading other websites you're often left wondering what the theological perspective of the reviewer was. We hope to fill that void and have reviews of books that cover a breadth of topics.

If you have any feedback or questions about a review, you can contact us here.

All works are peer reviewed by a team who volunteers for GraceLife. When applicable, all work submitted reflects the main tenants of Free Grace theology, but should not be construed to speak for GraceLife. For guidance or more information on GraceLife's views, you can view our Statement of Faith.