GraceLife Conferences
Seminars, Sermons, and Favorite Topics
Dr. Bing speaks on a regular basis around the world. Here you'll find a list of Dr. Bing's favorite sermons and seminars. Other topics are available upon request. Expenses and honorarium are never required, but always appreciated. If you would like to schedule him to speak at your church for an event please do so through the contact form.
Essentials of a Free Grace Perspective
This is a good introduction to what it means to believe in grace that is absolutely free. It will help people understand and appreciate the grace that saves them and gives them a life of freedom and purpose.
- Grace and Salvation - The grace that saves us is absolutely free so that all that we must do is believe
- Grace and the Christian Life - We live under grace with assurance, a new motivation, and the challenge of becoming a disciple.
The Grace Difference
Grace makes all the difference in our salvation, assurance, and Christian growth. This is a good basic overview to ground and motivate people in grace principles.
- What It Means to Be Saved by Grace - The clear gospel of grace cuts through confusing ideas about salvation (Eph. 2:8-10).
- Grace to be Sure - Grace grounds us in a firm assurance of God's eternal acceptance (Romans 8:28-39).
- Living by Grace - If grace saved us, we should also live according to grace (Rom. 6:1-14).
- Grace to Serve - Grace frees us to devote ourselves to serving God out of gratitude (Rom. 6:15-23).
- Becoming a Disciple of Grace - When we understand what God's grace has done for us, we should want to follow Him in a life of committed discipleship (Luke 9:23-26).
These two messages also fit well for a longer series:
The Discipleship Challenge
This series will show how the blessings of grace should motivate us to commit our lives to Jesus Christ as disciples.
- Curious, Convinced, or Committed? - A general good introduction to the distinction between unsaved, saved, and disciples (John 6).
- What is a Disciple? - Defining and distinguishing discipleship as a Christian's commitment to Jesus Christ as Master (Matt. 10:25; 11:28-30).
- Becoming a Disciple of Grace - A focus on 7 characteristics of a disciple (Each of the following can also be a separate message)
- The Devoted Disciple
- The Obedient Disciple
- The Selfless Disciple
- The Suffering Disciple
- The Submissive Disciple
- The Generous Disciple
- The Serving Disciple
- The Making of a Disciple - at this exciting lifetime journey from the life of Peter
What About Lordship Salvation?
This controversial topic is discussed in a non-confrontational and informative manner.
- What About Faith? - Defines what it is and isn't and how it relates to our eternal salvation.
- What About Repentance? - Defines this controversial term and how it relates to our eternal salvation
- What About Lordship? - How Jesus' Lordship relates to our eternal salvation
- What about Discipleship? - The difference between eternal salvation and a life of discipleship
The Making of a Disciple: Lessons from the Life of Simon Peter
God has given us a model for discipleship in the life of Peter as we trace his journey from initial salvation to the confirmation of his life ministry and calling. Listeners will identify with this ordinary man and be challenged to become more of a disciple. These messages can be combined or revised to meet any schedule.
- Finding Your New Life - Becoming the person God will use (John 1 & 6)
- Following God's Purpose for Your Life - Accepting God's call to fish for men (Matt. 4:18-22)
- Forsaking Your Will For God's - Learning to obey God's will (Luke 5:1-11)
- Fulfilling the Conditions of Discipleship - Losing your life to gain it (Luke 9:23-26)
- Falling in Life's Journey - Recovering from your failures (John 13 & 18)
- Feeding Those God Gives You - Cultivating a love for Christ and His people (John 21:15-19)
- Focusing on Your Calling - Learning to accept your calling (John 21:20-22)
The GraceLife: Becoming a People of Grace
Grace is the chief principle of salvation and the Christian life. When we grasp the wonders of God's grace we will be secure in our salvation and liberated in our Christian life to serve God and live for Him. Christians are challenged to live a life that reflects the glorious grace of God. Any combination of messages can be given according to the needs of the people.
- Where Grace Begins - The definition, source, revelation, and response to God's grace (topical)
- An Aversion to Grace - Why we are naturally suspicious of grace and prone to reject it (topical)
- Grace from Start to Finish - The big picture of God's purpose for us, past, present, and future (Eph. 1)
- What it Really Means to Be Saved By Grace - Understanding the freeness of God's gift of salvation (Eph. 2:8-10)
- Kept in the Grip of Grace - Grace gives us assurance and keeps us saved eternally (Rom. 8:28-39)
- Free to Not Sin - Living by grace is not an excuse to sin, but breaks the power of sin (Rom. 6:1-14)
- Free to Serve - Living by grace is a reason to serve God, not self (Rom. 6:15-23)
- Grace in the Mirror - Learning to accept and become the person God made me to be (1 Cor. 15:6-10)
- Free to Accept Others - Giving Christians room to grow and be different (Rom. 14)
- Free to Choose - How to make wise choices in questionable matters (1 Cor. 10:23-33)
- Grace to Forgive - Those who have been forgiven should by grace forgive (Matt. 18:21-35).
- A Father's Grace - God is always ready to forgive our waywardness (Luke: 15:11-24).
- A Brother's Ungrace - It is easy to be ungracious towards others (Luke 15:25-32).
- Growing in Grace - Grace should motivate growth and godliness (Titus 2:11-15; 2 Pet. 3:18)
- Grace in the Home - Applying God's grace in family relationships (topical)
- Grace to Be Strong - God's powerful grace helps us in our weaknesses (2 Cor. 12:7-10).
- The Great Grace Killer - How legalism is opposed to a life of grace after salvation (topical)
- Free to Give - Grace frees us to give generously of ourselves and our resources (topical).
- A Ministry of Grace - How those who minister can do so consistent with God's grace (topical)
The Salvation Question: Clearing Confusion about Getting into God's Family
Since getting into God's family (becoming a Christian) begins with and depends on the gospel of Jesus Christ, it must be our priority to understand it and share it clearly. Contemporary controversies about faith, works, repentance, lordship, easy-believism, and carnal Christians can be addressed. Any combination of these messages can be used according to people's needs.
- Confusion in the Church - The problem of an unclear gospel in the church today (Gal. 1:6-10)
- The Gospel from God - The content of the gospel is simple (1 Cor. 15:1-8).
- What Must I Do to Be Saved? - The condition of the gospel is faith (Acts 16:16-31).
- Grace to Be Sure - Why Christians doubt their salvation and how to be sure (Rom. 8:28-39)
- Dear John: The Gospel of Belief - John shows that the clear condition of salvation is faith alone.
- What It Really Means to Be Saved by Grace - The role of grace in salvation (Eph. 2:8-10)
- What about Repentance? - The meaning of repentance in relation to salvation (topical)
- What about Lordship? - The meaning and role of Christ's lordship in salvation (topical)
- Is Salvation Easy? - Salvation is simple for sinners, but not easy for sinners or God (topical).
- False Christians or Faulty Christians? - The biblical options for how to view and minister to professing Christians who don't live like it (topical)
- How to Share the Gospel Clearly - Biblically based practical suggestions to clarify our witness to others (topical)
Galatians: The Gospel of Christian Freedom
This important book is the Christian's charter of liberty from legalism in and after salvation. Messages emphasize both doctrine and duty so that listeners grow to rejoice in and appreciate their freedom in Christ. This is good as a complete book study, or could be revised to a shorter or longer series..
- The Gospel: Freedom Revealed - Understanding the gospel (Gal. 1)
- The Confrontation: Freedom Tested - Compromising the gospel (Gal. 2)
- The Curse: Freedom Bewitched - Departing from the gospel (Gal. 3)
- The Adoption: Freedom Realized - Realizing our sonship in the gospel (Gal. 4)
- The Restriction: Freedom Controlled - Living out our freedom in the gospel (Gal. 5)
- The Obligation: Freedom Applied - Serving others for the gospel (Gal. 6)
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Jonah: When God Says "Go!"
These messages challenge listeners to appreciate God's grace in our own salvation and His great love and compassion for the unreached of the world. We can be used to reach others with the gospel if we are obedient to God's command to go. Great to motivate Christians to evangelism and missions.
- The One that Didn't Get Away - Jonah 1
- Swallowed Hook, Line, and Stinker - Jonah 2
- Won by One - Jonah 3
- A Lesson in Divine Compassion - Jonah 4