GraceLife Institute
GraceLife is committed to grounding Christian influencers in other countries in the grace message by training pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and church leaders who will more effectively share a clear gospel of grace with their communities and countries. Though we have done this for decades, in 2011 we organized this training into GraceLife Institute (GLI). Now thousands have been trained through GLI.
The present countries – We are currently running GLI programs in Ghana, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, and India.
The Purpose – To train Christian ministry leaders who are committed to training others so that they can more effectively spread the grace message around the world.
The Procedure – A twelve course curriculum is taught over a four-year period, one week a year, three courses per week. GLI works in partnership with and in the name of a local national ministry or leaders. Trainees who meet requirements of payment, attendance, and competency will receive a certificate of graduation.
The Responsibilities of the Host Ministry Leader(s):
- Secure proper meeting facility, accommodations, and meals for the week of training.
- Qualify 30-50 trainees, enroll them, and keep attendance and progress records.
- Collect the appropriate fee to apply toward expenses for the week.
- Properly promote and publish the week of training.
The Responsibilities of GraceLife Ministries:
- Provide qualified competent instructors.
- Help financially subsidize the expenses for the week of training.
- Provide literature and printed resources as available.
The Qualification of Trainees:
- The person must prove commitment to ministry by past experience or training.
- The person must be committed to teaching others what is learned in GLI.
- The person must have good references to moral character and ministry qualifications.
- The person must have the approval of his or her local church.
- The person must pre-pay the enrollment fee for each week of training.
The Qualification of Instructors:
- An instructor must agree with the GraceLife doctrinal statement and the Free Grace Alliance Covenant and teach in accord with those affirmations.
- An instructor must have proven competency by former training or experience.
- An instructor will raise his own support for expenses and have the approval of his local church.
- An instructor must be interviewed, satisfy a written application, and if accepted, must be observed teaching in a probationary first week before finally approved.
- An instructor must teach from the approved course syllabus and outline and be prepared to teach approximately seven to nine one-hour sessions in a week whether in English or through a translator..
- An instructor must be willing to submit to the host ministry and GraceLife leadership, to the local culture, and GLI's purposes.
The Curriculum:
Year 1
- Bible Study Methods & Galatians
- Grace and Romans
- Basic Bible Doctrines
- Salvation
- The Christian Life
- Old Testament Introduction
- New Testament Introduction
- Missions, Evangelism, Discipleship
- Communicating Bible Truth
- Church and Church Ministry
- Hebrews and James
- The Life and Message of Jesus Christ
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Requirements for Graduation:
- Satisfactory attendance for all courses as stated in the syllabi.
- Satisfactory proof of comprehension for each course.
- All fees must be paid up.
Course Syllabus Example
A study of the Epistle to the Romans with an emphasis on the doctrines of grace in relation to eternal salvation and the Christian life.
Course purposeTo impart an understanding of the role of grace in salvation and the Christian life such that the enrollee will be able to apply these truths to his or her own life and teach others to do the same.
Course topics- Grace and our Sin
- Grace and our Salvation
- Grace and our Sanctification
- Grace and our Security
- Grace and our Selection
- Grace and our Service
- Read assigned literature.
- Be able to define key terms: gospel, salvation, justification, sanctification, redemption, propitiation, judgment seat of Christ.
- Be able to explain the outline and progression of Romans.
- Be able to explain or write a paper explaining the difference between justification and sanctification in Romans.