GraceLife Articles
GraceLife articles are longer more in-depth studies on various topics. Written by Dr. Charlie Bing for various organizations and publications. They are designed for downloading (*pdf available) and copying so they can be used in ministry. No permission is required if they are distributed unedited at no charge.
- How to Be Sure in Uncertain Times
Gracelife, Dr. Charles C. bing, April 2020
Not long ago, it was life as usual. Today, many live in fear and insecurity. Who would have thought this insidious virus would spread so quickly throughout the entire world? Uncertainty about the future is the real pandemic. How are people reacting to this threat? - by hoarding food and of all things, toilet paper! No one wants to be unprepared to meet an uncertain future. We wonder, have we done enough? - A Review of Wayne Grudem's "Free Grace" Theology: 5 Ways It Diminishes the Gospel
GraceLife, Dr. Charles C. Bing, October 2016
This is both a book review and response to Wayne Grudem's book, 'Free Grace' Theology: 5 Ways It Diminishes the Gospel (Crossway, 2016). I will not attempt to engage all of the theological arguments of his Reformed Calvinism or explain all of the theological arguments of Free Grace theology. Both views have a lot of resources in print. This review serves more as an 'awareness guide' for those who have read or will read his book. Those unaware of the issues or those prone to agree with Dr. Grudem's concerns will probably not question his statements. But there are things that need to be known, some matters of facts, some matters of judgment. - The Free Grace Alliance Within the Free Grace Movement: It is What it is!
GraceLife, May 2010
There are recurring myths, misinformation, and misconceptions about the Free Grace Movement (FGM) as well as the Free Grace Alliance's (FGA) origins, purpose, practice, and theology. Some of the misinformation comes from being uniformed, some from attacks both outside the Grace Movement and inside the Grace Movement. Why was the FGA started? Where does FGA fit in the FGM? Is the FGA too inclusive or too exclusive? What is the truth? Can you handle the truth? - The Christian's Motivation for Serving God
GraceLife, May 2010
Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service and godly living by looking at biblical data. - Is There Hellfire in Hebrews?
GraceLife, 2010
Though it seems nothing is simple about the Epistle to the Hebrews, this study seeks to make a simple point about the nature of the fire imagery used in three of the warnings sections. Though it seems nothing is simple about the Epistle to the Hebrews, this study seeks to make a simple point about the nature of the fire imagery used in three of the warnings sections. - Are Disciples Born or Made?
GraceLife, November 2007
Charlie presented this paper at the Evangelical Theological Society's annual meeting in San Diego November 16, 2007. It clarifies the crucial distinctions between how one becomes a Christian and how one becomes a disciple. - Are Disciples Born or Made?*
Grace in Focus, May 2005
Is every Christian a disciple or are the conditions for discipleship different from the condition for eternal salvation? It makes a difference if you want to keep the gospel clear! Is a disciple merely another name for a person who is born into God's family through faith in Jesus Christ, or is a disciple a believer who meets specific conditions about following Jesus? Knowing the answer to this question is crucial to understanding the gospel of grace and the Christian life. - Interpreting Hebrews: Beginning with the Readers
Grace in Focus, July 2002
This will help you get off on the right track in interpreting this sometimes difficult book. It shows that the readers were believers and that makes a difference in how the warnings are interpreted. Many find Hebrews a difficult book to interpret.Perhaps the greatest difficulty is in interpreting the five warning passages (Heb. 2:1-4; 3:7 - 4:13; 6:1-8; 10:26-39; 12:25-29). - Why Lordship Faith Misses The Mark For Salvation
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Spring 1999
Lordship Salvation has a very confused view of the gospel that results in very confused Christians who hold to it. A detailed case is made against the Lordship view of the condition for eternal salvation. - Why Lordship Faith Misses the Mark for Discipleship
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Autumn 1999
Lordship Salvation's unclear gospel leads to an unclear view of discipleship and the Christian life. Here is a detailed look at that view and the correct view of discipleship. What is your definition of a disciple? - Church Discipline: A Necessary Partner to the Grace Gospel
Grace in Focus, Nov. 1998
Yes, Christians can continue in sin, or the biblical admonitions church for church discipline wouldn't make sense. - The Condition for Salvation in John's Gospel
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Spring 1996
John is the only book in the Bible written with the explicitly stated purpose of bringing people to faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life. It is crucial that we know what it says about the condition for eternal salvation. - What Must I Do to Be Saved?
Grace in Focus, Mar. 1996
A simple question in Acts 16 receives a simple answer that we have been arguing about ever since! Here is a clear and simple explanation of the condition for eternal salvation. What must I do to be saved? - Grace in the final Hour
Grace in Focus, July 1996
Can the worst criminal be saved--even at the last minute. Here's what we can learn from the story of the theif on the cross. Jeffrey Dahmer was convicted of unspeakable acts of perversion and cannibalism that shocked the nation. He was murdered in prison, but not before he had professed faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior. - Keep It Clear And Simple*
Grace in Focus, Feb. 1995
Good communication is an art--especially appreciated when it comes to sharing the gospel. Here's how to keep the content and condition clear. What does a person have to believe in order to be saved? I have heard everything from 'Believe in God' and 'Obey the Ten Commandments' (or 'Obey the Sermon on the Mount') to 'Just believe that Jesus loves you.' - How To Share the Gospel Clearly
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Spring 1994
This is a practical guide to clear communication of the gospel. It covers motives for sharing the gospel, its content, and its condition, but most importantly, how to share those clearly. - The Cost of Discipleship
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Spring 1993
Eternal salvation is free, but discipleship is costly. The conditions for discipleship are explained. Discipleship is costly. The Scriptures are clear that to be a disciple in the fullest sense of the term means that a person must pay a price. There is no view of discipleship which would disagree with this conclusion. - Coming to Terms With Discipleship
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Spring 1992
This is a study of the terms used for disciples and discipleship. That is the first step in having a biblical understanding of what it means to be a disciple. Discipleship affects every Christian. Not only are we to be disciples, but we are to make disciples of others. But what is a disciple? - Disciples Are Made Not Born!*
Grace in Focus, May 1992
A summary of a longer journal article of the same title. It shows that not all believers are disciples and that the conditions for eternal salvation and discipleship are different. Disciples are made, not born. This is clearly evident in the life of Peter. - Lordship Salvation: A Horse With Wheels
Grace in Focus, May 1992
This controversial view of the gospel confuses the condition of eternal salvation with the consequences of salvation. We must keep the requirement of belief distinct from the result of obeience. - The Making of a Disciple
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Autumn 1992
How does God make a disciple? Does a person who becomes a Christian also automatically become a disciple? When Jesus said, 'Follow Me,' was He inviting people to salvation or to something more? This second article in our series on the nature of discipleship will continue to explore the two different views of discipleship espoused today and how they relate to the issue of salvation. - Lordship Salvation's Good Intentions Are Not Enough
Grace in Focus, Oct. 1991
In trying to slove the problem of less-than-committed believers, Lordship Salvation creates a bigger problem of confusing the gospel and robbing Christians of their assurance. I came close to calling this article, 'Why I Could Almost Believe in Lordship Salvation.' - Does Philippians 1:6 Teach Perseverance?
Grace in Focus, Feb. 1991
This verse may not mean what most people think it means. A closer look at the language helps with a biblilcally and theologically consistent interpretation. [I am] confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. - The Grace Awakening by Charles R. Swindoll - A Review
Grace in Focus, Dec. 1990
A short review of this very important book. It will help people obtain a grace perspective. Grace is always refreshing. A book about grace is a refreshing hook. Swindoll has probably written his best work and made his most important contribution to modern Christianity with the writing of this book. - The Voice Still Lives
Grace in Focus, Apr. 1989
A tribute to Bible teacher John Vernon Mcgee and his passion for a clear gospel.