GraceNotes is a concise quarterly Bible study on the important issues related to
salvation by grace and living by grace. They are designed for downloading (*pdf available)
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The major biblical teaching on grace-motivated giving is in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9. Those chapters contain many principles about the motivations, amounts, effects, and rewards of grace giving.
Everyone knows somebody who calls himself or herself a Christian, but doesn't act like one. Christians struggle with how to think about these folks.
Mark 9:43-50 is one of the most difficult passages in the New Testament. On the surface, it looks like Jesus is teaching that a believer should cut off his or her hand/foot/eye so that he or she will not sin. What is Jesus saying?
A church can live - or die - by tradition. Some church traditions are good and helpful: meeting at a certain time, familiar music, or holiday observances.
Both believers and unbelievers sometimes express fear that they have committed a sin that is unforgivable. This steals the joy of their salvation.
Many find Hebrews a difficult book to interpret. Perhaps the greatest difficulty is in interpreting the five warning passages.
What does it mean to fall from grace, especially as that phrase is used in Galatians 5:4? The interpretation of that verse has important implications for the Christian.
The misuse of this passage has too often undermined the believer's assurance. Incorrect interpretations usually start with the assumption that the phrase 'to present you holy, blameless, and irreproachable in His sight' means entrance into heaven.
By God's grace we are born into His family and by God's grace we are free to grow as His children. Unfortunately, this life of liberty can be lost unless we stand firm in grace.
Followers of Lordship Salvation insist that a person is eternally saved not only by believing in Jesus Christ as Savior, but also by committing completely to Him as the Lord or Master of one's life.
*GraceNotes are designed for downloading and copying so they can be used in ministry.
No permission is required if they are distributed unedited at no charge.
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