GraceNotes Justified


GraceNotes is a concise quarterly Bible study on the important issues related to salvation by grace and living by grace. They are designed for downloading (*pdf available) and copying so they can be used in ministry. No permission is required if they are distributed unedited at no charge. You can receive new GraceNotes by subscribing to our free quarterly GraceLife newsletter.

  • 90 - Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 1     Podcast
    Since the gospel was first preached, people have objected to the Free Grace teaching that people are saved by the unconditional grace of God through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Often, objections come from misunderstanding the nature of God's grace and what Free Grace teaches. Sometimes objections are merely parroted from others without much thought. Here's how to answer six common objections to Free Grace teaching about salvation.

  • 89 - Practicing Grace In Ministry
    Grace is not only a theological term that helps us understand how God shares His unconditional love towards us, it is also a moral term that should influence our conduct, especially in ministry. All believers in Christ are called to minister (serve) the body of Christ, but that ministry is most effective when it reflects God's love and grace. As a starting point, we must understand that grace not only saves us, but gives us the privilege of and the ability to minister to others (Rom. 1:5; 1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 3:7; 1 Peter 4:10). Here are some ways to practice grace in various ministries.

  • 88 - Misunderstandings about Acts 16:31     Podcast
    About 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul (with his co-laborer Silas) answered a frightened prison guard's question, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" He answered simply, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household." Since then, that simple answer has generated debate about its meaning. Here are some common misunderstandings of Acts 16:31.

  • 87 - Arminians and the Gospel of Grace
    Arminian theology (not Armenian, which is someone from the country of Armenia) is named after its proponent, Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), who objected to the strong determinism of John Calvin. Arminius died before he could formally present his arguments, but his followers formalized them into five articles in the Remonstrance of 1610.

  • 86 - Who Could Be Cut Off from Christ in Romans 11:22?
    This passage, especially verse 22, raises the questions, who is the apostle Paul addressing?, what does it mean to be "cut off"?, and what is the significance of the condition "if you continue in His goodness"? It could be misconstrued that Paul is talking to individual Christians who can be cut off from their salvation if they do not continue to live faithfully.

  • 85 - Grace Lessons from the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32
    This familiar story depicts God's love for sinners, and indeed that is the main point, but there is much to learn here about God's magnificent grace. In the context, Jesus answers the Pharisees who criticize His love for sinners (Luke 15:2-3) with three stories. The story of the lost son especially illustrates God's love for sinners as an overcoming, amazing, and misunderstood love.

  • 84 - The Christian and the Law
    Though law is used in various ways in the Bible, The New Testament often uses the term for the Law delivered through Moses. It is important to understand how Christians should relate to the demands of the Mosaic Law. We will look at the nature and purpose of that Law and how it affects Christians.

  • 83 - Is Repentance in John's Gospel?
    Some who have trouble accepting that eternal salvation is by faith alone insist that repentance (as turning from sins) is also necessary. That is why they claim repentance is in John's Gospel even though the word is not present in verb or noun form (metaneo, metanoia). They argue that the concept of repentance is present in various passages, but their definition and assumptions of repentance in John cannot be supported.

  • 82 - How Were People Saved before Christ's Death and Resurrection?
    A question often heard is "How were people eternally saved in Old Testament days?" For a more comprehensive perspective, it might be better to ask, "How were people eternally saved before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?"

  • 81 - Jesus Does Not Trust Some Believers - John 2:23-25
    Most Bible commentators interpret this passage to say that these people at the Passover did not really believe in Jesus for salvation, therefore Jesus did not commit Himself to them because He knew the unbelieving condition of their hearts. Their faith was defective or insufficient for salvation because it was based only on the signs that Jesus performed and/or they believed only in His name, not His person.


    *GraceNotes are designed for downloading and copying so they can be used in ministry. No permission is required if they are distributed unedited at no charge. If you do not have a pdf viewer you may click here to download a free version.