GraceNotes Justified


GraceNotes é um estudo bíblico trimestral conciso sobre questões importantes relacionadas com salvação pela graça e viver pela graça. Eles são projetados para download (* pdf disponível) e copiar para que possam ser usados no ministério. Nenhuma permissão é necessária se eles forem distribuído sem edição sem custo. Você pode receber novos GraceNotes assinando nosso boletim informativo gratuito trimestral GraceLife.

Topic: Obras 

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  • 1 - A Condição para a Salvação no Evangelho de João
    João é o único livro da Bíblia que afirma ter sido escrito com o propósito expresso de levar as pessoas à salvação eterna.

  • 2 - Fé e Obras em Tiago 2:14
    Tiago 2:14 ensina que as obras são um componente necessário para a salvação? Muitos responderiam que Tiago não está dizendo que as obras são um requisito necessário para a salvação, mas um resultado necessário da salvação. Outros objetam que isso ainda torna a salvação dependente das obras. Como essa passagem pode ser conciliada com a salvação pela graça por meio da fé somente, como Paulo ensina em Romanos 3-5 e Efésios 2?

  • 10 - Imagens de Palavras Para Obreiros Cristãos
    Se uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras, então uma imagem verbal também é de grande valor para aqueles que estudam a Bíblia.

  • 19 - Que tal um "cristão" que não vive como um?
    Todo mundo conhece alguém que se diz cristão, mas não age como tal. Os cristãos lutam para saber como pensar sobre essas pessoas. O que você concluiria sobre os exemplos a seguir e como ajudaria essas pessoas?

  • 28 - As boas obras podem provar a salvação?
    Há todos os motivos para pensar que aqueles que creram em Jesus Cristo como Salvador e, consequentemente, nasceram na família de Deus, experimentarão uma vida transformada em algum grau. Alguns diriam que esta vida mudada é evidenciada por boas obras que provam que eles são salvos. Se isso for verdade, então o inverso é verdadeiro: se não houver boas obras, não haverá salvação. Nessa visão, as boas obras (às vezes chamadas de \frutos\" ou evidência de uma vida mudada) provam ou refutam a salvação eterna de uma pessoa"

  • 29 - Quão Bom Você Tem Que Ser Para Chegar Ao Céu?     Podcast
    Muitas pessoas acham que, se fizerem bem o suficiente ou não fizerem muito mal, Deus permitirá que entrem no céu. Em outras palavras, quando se trata de obter a vida eterna, eles pensam que Deus está fazendo uma avaliação, num gráfico. Essa suposição se baseia em alguns pensamentos errôneos.

  • 43 - Grace Versus Karma
    How does karma compare to the biblical concept of grace?

  • 44 - Man's Aversion to Grace
    To those who have been profoundly changed by a clear understanding of God's grace it is often puzzling why more people, unsaved or saved, do not accept that message.

  • 49 - Perseverance Versus Preservation     Podcast
    Preservation of believers, not perseverance of the saints, is the view taught by God's Word and is consistent with the gospel of salvation by grace.

  • 50 - Sanctification: Whose Work Is It?
    We know that justification and glorification are by God's grace through faith, not our effort or works. Can we say the same about our present experience of sanctification?

  • 51 - Fruits and False Prophets - Matthew 7:15-20     Podcast
    According to a common interpretation, bad behavior proves a person is not saved; good behavior proves a person is saved. Is that what this passage teaches?

  • 52 - Lordship and False Followers - Matthew 7:21-23
    Does this passage teach, as some claim, that a person must be totally surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in order to be saved?

  • 53 - Doubtful Self-examination in 2 Corinthians 13:5
    It is not uncommon to see this verse used to encourage professing Christians to examine themselves to see if they are genuinely saved.

  • 54 - The Fate of Fruitless Followers in John 15:6
    What do the branches represent in John 15:6 and what is their fate?

  • 57 - Good Ground for Discipleship - Luke 8:4-13
    The parable of the soils is found in all three Synoptic Gospels (Matt. 13:18-23; Mark 4:2-20; Luke 8:4-15). Our focus will be on Luke's account. In Luke especially, Jesus used this parable to explain the purpose of all parables and to illustrate how people respond to God's truth.

  • 62 - You are Saved
    Some use this passage to say that believers can lose their salvation. Others say that it shows that some who are considered believers prove to be false believers because they did not stick with the gospel. Neither of these views satisfies the details of the passage in its context.

  • 84 - The Christian and the Law
    Though law is used in various ways in the Bible, The New Testament often uses the term for the Law delivered through Moses. It is important to understand how Christians should relate to the demands of the Mosaic Law. We will look at the nature and purpose of that Law and how it affects Christians.

  • 89 - Practicing Grace In Ministry
    Grace is not only a theological term that helps us understand how God shares His unconditional love towards us, it is also a moral term that should influence our conduct, especially in ministry. All believers in Christ are called to minister (serve) the body of Christ, but that ministry is most effective when it reflects God's love and grace. As a starting point, we must understand that grace not only saves us, but gives us the privilege of and the ability to minister to others (Rom. 1:5; 1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 3:7; 1 Peter 4:10). Here are some ways to practice grace in various ministries.

  • 90 - Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 1     Podcast
    Since the gospel was first preached, people have objected to the Free Grace teaching that people are saved by the unconditional grace of God through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Often, objections come from misunderstanding the nature of God's grace and what Free Grace teaches. Sometimes objections are merely parroted from others without much thought. Here's how to answer six common objections to Free Grace teaching about salvation.

  • 91 - Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 2     Podcast
    The fullness of God's grace seems hard to grasp for some. Especially when it is taught in relation to salvation, some raise objections. In \GraceNotes no. 90: Answering Objections to Free Grace

  • 95 - The Salvation of the Thief on the Cross
    At the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, one of the two criminals who was crucified next to Him was eternally saved. What does his story teach about salvation?

  • 99 - What Must I Do To Be Unsaved?
    Some believe that salvation can be lost. Considering all that transpires in one's salvation, if it were possible to forfeit that salvation, here's what someone should be told to do.

  • 100 - Eternal Life by Doing Good - Romans 2:6-7,10,13
    Can a person obtain eternal life by doing good or be justified by keeping the law? Yes, of course—that’s what these verses in Romans say—at least speaking theoretically. Some would argue that these verses teach how one can obtain eternal life or prove they are justified by continuing to do good or obeying the law. But how are these verses used in context and can a person be good enough to satisfy God’s perfect justice?

  • 102 - Understanding the Faith that Saves
    Does faith come from God to a person as a gift, does faith describe a meritorious work that comes from a person, or is faith a person's response to a truth or promise?

  • 104 - It is Finished! – John 19:30
    Of Jesus Christ's seven last sayings on the cross, "It is finished!" is surely the most profound. Understanding what Jesus meant with this saying can encourage believers, witness to unbelievers, and clear up bad theology about the gospel of salvation.


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