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Topic: Fé
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A Bíblia promete que \todo aquele que crê em [Jesus Cristo] não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna\" (João 3:16) e diz \"pela graça sois salvos, por meio da fé\" (Efésios 2: 8). Mas quanta fé é necessária para obter esta salvação?"
A person is eternally saved through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, but does God give this faith or is it purely a human response?
Some Christians use this verse to argue that the faith that saves must be proved by works or it is not genuine.
There are some who claim the saving message of the gospel is 'Believe in Jesus as the guarantor of eternal life, which can never be lost.' In other words, a person must know, understand, and express agreement with the doctrine of eternal security ... but does a person have to affirm this in order to be saved, or is this an unwarranted addition to salvation by faith alone in Christ alone?
In chapters 3 and 4 of Romans, The apostle Paul established beyond dispute that one is eternally justified before God only on the basis of faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Why, then, does he say in chapter 10 that one must \confess the Lord Jesus\" for salvation?"
About 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul (with his co-laborer Silas) answered a frightened prison guard's question, \Sirs
Many assume that \perfect\" (teleios) refers to total sinlessness
In the seven letters to the churches of Revelation chapters 2-3, the overcomers can be seen as either 1) all believers who are promised entrance into the kingdom, or 2) individual believers who overcome trials and are promised rewards in the kingdom and in eternity. The churches and their problems are obviously familiar and thus contemporary with the apostle John, the author, but the exhortations are relevant for all times.
There are two ways to view the rewards to the overcomers in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. The recurring phrase “to him who overcomes” suggests Jesus is not making promises to every person in the church, but only to certain individuals. Though some rewards are a bit enigmatic, there is some biblical evidence that can help us interpret them.
Does faith come from God to a person as a gift, does faith describe a meritorious work that comes from a person, or is faith a person's response to a truth or promise?
Of Jesus Christ's seven last sayings on the cross, "It is finished!" is surely the most profound. Understanding what Jesus meant with this saying can encourage believers, witness to unbelievers, and clear up bad theology about the gospel of salvation.
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