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Topic: Евангелие

(If the Gracenote is displayed in english, the translation was not available.)

  • 38 - Giving a Clear Gospel Invitation
    Because the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only message that can save people, we want to be as clear as possible in explaining how someone can have eternal life.

  • 40 - The Content of the Gospel of Salvation
    When sharing the gospel clearly we should have two great concerns.

  • 42 - Is Faith in Jesus Christ a Gift of God?
    A person is eternally saved through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, but does God give this faith or is it purely a human response?

  • 46 - Can an Unregenerate Person Believe the Gospel?
    There are some who think that a person must be regenerated (born again) before he or she can believe the gospel. What does the Bible say?

  • 65 - Revelation 3:20 and Asking Jesus into Your Heart
    When we look at the practical, theological, and biblical objections to this phrase, we may decide to use different language.

  • 77 - The Reformation and the Gospel of Grace
    On October 31, 1517, A Roman Catholic monk named Martin Luther publicly posted his objections to the doctrines of his church. Essentially, Luther had re-discovered the free grace of God obscured through the centuries by man's natural aversion to grace. Now, 500 years later, how is the Protestant church treating the gospel of grace?

  • 87 - Arminians and the Gospel of Grace
    Arminian theology (not Armenian, which is someone from the country of Armenia) is named after its proponent, Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), who objected to the strong determinism of John Calvin. Arminius died before he could formally present his arguments, but his followers formalized them into five articles in the Remonstrance of 1610.

  • 99 - What Must I Do To Be Unsaved?
    Some believe that salvation can be lost. Considering all that transpires in one's salvation, if it were possible to forfeit that salvation, here's what someone should be told to do.

  • 104 - It is Finished! – John 19:30
    Of Jesus Christ's seven last sayings on the cross, "It is finished!" is surely the most profound. Understanding what Jesus meant with this saying can encourage believers, witness to unbelievers, and clear up bad theology about the gospel of salvation.


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