Simply by Grace Podcast
In addition to the audio archive below, Charlie has a weekly podcast available where he'll publish grace based sermons and messages. Follow him at simplybygrace.org or on your favorite podcasting tool or service or download the Podbean App for iOS using the links below.
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Audio Archive
Below you'll find an archive of sermons and messages by Charlie grouped by category. Make sure to stay up-to-date by subscribing to Simply by Grace Podcast!
Exegetical Studies
Walk through various books of the Bible
- Gal. 1:1-5 The Gospel of Christian Freedom
- Gal. 1:6-10 The Perversion of the
- Gal. 1:11-24 The Revelation of the Gospel
- Gal. 2:1-10 The Test of the Gospel
- Gal. 2:11-14 The Defense of the Gospel
- Gal. 2:15-21 Dead to the Law
- Gal. 3:6-9 Abrahams Family of Faith
- Gal. 3:10-18 The Curse of The Law
- Gal. 3:19-25 The Purpose of the Law
- Gal. 3:26-4:7 From Slaves to Sons
- Gal. 4:8-20 A Plea From the Heart
- Gal. 4:21-31 A Mother You Wouldn't Miss
- Gal. 5:1-12 Dont Just do Something Stand There
- Gal. 5:13-15 Christian Liberty License to Sin
- Gal. 6:1-5 A Burden You Can Bear
- Gal. 5:16-26 In Step With the Spirit
- Gal. 6:6-10 How To Reap A Generous Crop
- Gal. 6:11-18 Something to Brag About
- Colossians 1:1-8 - Intro
- Colossians 1:9-14 - A Life that Pleases God
- Colossians 1:15-18 - Getting Your Head On Straight
- Colossians 2:8-10 - Cheated or Completed
- Colossians 2:16-23 - Beware of Legalism
- Colossians 3:1-4 - Aim High
- Colossians 4:2-6 The Christian and Outsiders
- Christ Still Speaks
- Christ Speaks to the Loveless Church
- Christ Speaks to the Suffering Church
- Christ Speaks to the Impure Church
- Christ Speaks to the Dead Church
- Christ Speaks to the Faithful Church
- Christ Speaks to the Indifferent Church
- Worthy of Worship
- Worthy is the Lamb
- Good News Bad News
Song of Solomon
Topical Studies
Various Topics from a grace perspective
Grace Evangelical Society Lectures
- GES 1997 09V-03-B Grounding Christians in the Grip of Grace
- GES 1999 5 Why Lordship Faith Misses the Mark for Salvation
- GES 1999 8 Panel - Hodges, Hart, Bing, Radmacher
- 10 Question to ask a Lordship Salvationist
- Cross Threaded Spirituality - The Lordship View of the Spirit Filled Life
- Why Lordship Salvation Misses the Mark for Discipleship
- A Certain Hope - Assurance in the Spirit Filled Life
- Serving God - What's Your Motivation
- Discipling Believers in Grace
- Bing and Dillow - An Open Forum on Evangelism and Missions
- Peter Principles for Discipleship
- Grace 101
- What About Christians Who Don't Act Like It?
FGA - Free Grace Alliance Lectures, 2008
Goodseed Bible Camp
Misc. Lectures
- Wives: Is Submission a Bad Word? Col. 3:18, February 21, 2016
- Grace and Salvation
- Kept in the Grip of Grace
- Discipleship
- Question and Answer
- How a Good Person Gets to Heaven
- The Miracle of Grace, Romans 3:20-24
- Grace and Salvation, Ephesians 2:8-10
- Grace to be Sure, Romans 8:28-39
- Confusion in the Church, Galatians 1:6-12
- Free to Serve, Romans 6:15-23
- Guess Who's Coming to Christmas (extract from CD), no date
- Guess Who's Coming to Christmas Matt 1:1-17, no date
- How a Good Person Gets to Heaven, no date
- MSLC Assurance of Salvation, no date
- Paul's Testimony, no date
- Sacred Cow, Holy Hamburger - Mark 7:1-23, no date
- Radio Show - Kirby Anderson, Belcher - Layman's Guide to Lordship Theology, no date
- The World's Greatest Words John 3:16, no date
- The Shepherd's Psalm - Ps 23, October 24, 1982
- Curious, Convinced or Committed?, December 26, 1982
- A Call to Go Fishing - Matt 4:18-22, August 7, 1983
- Which Side of Christ - Luke 23:32-43, May 27, 1984
- The Resurrection and the Life - John 11, March ?, 1985
- When God Starts a New Church (FIRST 20 MIN ONLY), October 26, 1986
- Reserved in Heaven - Eph 1:7-14, November 16, 1986
- How Blessed We Are - Eph 1:1-6, November 23, 1986
- Cheese and Cracker Christians, November 30, 1986
- Is Heaven Hard Work, November 30, 1986
- Can You Keep a Secret - Eph 3:1-13, December 14, 1986
- How to Survive a Sinking Ship - Mk 4:35-41, January 17, 1987
- Foundations for a Christian Family, March 15, 1987
- Limited Faith - Unlimited Power - Mk 5:21-43, February 7, 1988
- GES 1988 How to Preach Well Evangelistically, March 7, 1988
- Two Great Questions About Christ - Mk 8:27-33 (END CUT OFF), April 24, 1988
- The Non-Missionary Bible, May 1, 1988
- Entering the Kingdom - Mk 10:13-31, June 26, 1988
- The Greatest Commandment - Mk 12:28-34, August 7, 1988
- Barabbas - Christ Died for Me - Mk 15:6-15, October 23, 1988
- BBC Anniversary - A Vision for the Future - 1Pet 2:9, October 30, 1988
- New Age or Old Lie?, November 19, 1989
- Grace in the Mirror, December 2, 1990
- Free to Choose - 1Cor 10, February ?, 1991
- My Name is Sam, Sanctity of Life Sunday, January 19, 1992
- Confusion in the Church, February 12, 1995
- The Gospel from God, February 19, 1995
- What About Repentance?, March 26, 1995
- What About Lordship (5MINUTE BAD SPOT) fix1, April 2, 1995
- Is Salvation Easy, April 9, 1995
- False Christians or Faulty Christians?, April 23, 1995
- From Here to Eternity, May 21, 1995
- How to Present the Gospel, May 28, 1995
- ETS 1995 The Contribution of John's Gospel to the Salvation Controversy, November 16, 1995
- Can 99 Percent Assurance Lead to Maturity, March ?, 1997
- Is the Bible Reliable, May 10, 1998
- What Must I do to be Saved - Acts 16:16-31, July 19, 1998
- What About Repentance? Selected Scripture, July 19, 1998
- What is a Disciple? Luk 9:23-26, July 26, 1998
- What About Lordship? Selected Scripture, July 26, 1998
- The God of All Grace, July 11, 1999
- A Father's Grace, August 8, 1999
- A Brother's Ungrace (BAD AT END), August 15, 1999
- Grace in the Mirror, August 22, 1999
- Grace to Forgive, August 29, 1999
- Buried by Grace - Rom 6, September 12, 1999
- Free to Serve - Rom 6-7, September 19, 1999
- The Great Grace Killer, September 26, 1999
- Free to Accept Others, October 17, 1999
- Grace in Suffering - 2Cor 12, October 31, 1999
- Witnessing to the Last Generation, May 14, 2000
- Finding Your New Life - John 6, October 1, 2000
- Gods Purpose for Your Life - Accepting God's Call to Fish for Men, October 1, 2000
- Fulfilling the Conditions of Discipleship, Losing Your Life to Gain It, October 2, 2000
- Falling in Life's Journey - Recovering from Your Failures, October 3, 2000
- Dress for Success, May 20, 2001
- Wives - Is Submission a Bad Word, October 1, 2000
- The Making of a Disciple, November 10, 2001
- The Book of John, November 11, 2001
- Assurance as the Ground for Growth (NOISY TAPE), November 9, 2001