GraceNotes Justified


GraceNotes is a concise quarterly Bible study on the important issues related to salvation by grace and living by grace. They are designed for downloading (*pdf available) and copying so they can be used in ministry. No permission is required if they are distributed unedited at no charge. You can receive new GraceNotes by subscribing to our free quarterly GraceLife newsletter.

  • 50 - Sanctification: Whose Work Is It?
    We know that justification and glorification are by God's grace through faith, not our effort or works. Can we say the same about our present experience of sanctification?

  • 49 - Perseverance Versus Preservation     Podcast
    Preservation of believers, not perseverance of the saints, is the view taught by God's Word and is consistent with the gospel of salvation by grace.

  • 48 - For Whom Did Christ Die?
    Can we truthfully say to anyone 'Jesus Christ died for your sins'? While many Christians say we can, there are some who disagree.

  • 47 - Demon Faith and the Misuse of James 2:19
    Some Christians use this verse to argue that the faith that saves must be proved by works or it is not genuine.

  • 46 - Can an Unregenerate Person Believe the Gospel?
    There are some who think that a person must be regenerated (born again) before he or she can believe the gospel. What does the Bible say?

  • 45 - Can the Willful Sin of Hebrews 10:26 be forgiven?
    Some argue from this that willful or continual sin cannot be forgiven and salvation can be lost, or that those in view of judgment were never really saved to begin with.

  • 44 - Man's Aversion to Grace
    To those who have been profoundly changed by a clear understanding of God's grace it is often puzzling why more people, unsaved or saved, do not accept that message.

  • 43 - Grace Versus Karma
    How does karma compare to the biblical concept of grace?

  • 42 - Is Faith in Jesus Christ a Gift of God?
    A person is eternally saved through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, but does God give this faith or is it purely a human response?

  • 41 - The Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Jesus is Lord. No one who believes the Bible denies that. But what does that mean and how does Christ's lordship apply to our salvation and our Christian life?


    *GraceNotes are designed for downloading and copying so they can be used in ministry. No permission is required if they are distributed unedited at no charge. If you do not have a pdf viewer you may click here to download a free version.