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Topic: Graça
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Muitas igrejas que crêem na Bíblia falam sobre graça. Mas eles são consistentes em prática? Aqui estão algumas coisas que devem caracterizar uma igreja que segue os princípios bíblicos da graça. As passagens bíblicas relevantes são listadas para estudo posterior.
A Bíblia é um livro ou muitos? Há muitas coisas que tornam a Bíblia diversa. Mas o que o une? Se for realmente um livro, esperaríamos uma história ou mensagem unificadora semelhante ao enredo de um romance. Muitas vezes as histórias da Bíblia são isoladas de qualquer mensagem geral. Se conhecermos essa mensagem principal, entenderemos melhor a Bíblia em suas partes.
O que é Grace Life? É a vida cristã como Deus planejou. É uma vida de liberdade vivida como filho de Deus. É viver uma vida cristã consistente com a graça. A graça não é apenas a base de nossa salvação inicial (justificação), mas também a base de nosso crescimento (santificação).
O que significa cair da graça, especialmente como essa frase é usada em Gálatas 5: 4? A interpretação desse versículo tem implicações importantes para o cristão.
A graça dificilmente pode ser mais prática na vida cristã do que quando afeta nossas finanças, e, em particular, quando damos (dízimos e ofertas). Dar sob a lei era obrigatório, exigindo vários dízimos (décimos) e ofertas.
Aqueles que usam a Bíblia autoritativamente não contestam a nítida declaração bíblica \pela graça fostes salvos\" (Efésios 2:8). Mas a afirmação universal não significa necessariamente um acordo universal sobre como somos salvos eternamente. Isso depende de como se define graça. Quando o significado da graça é alterado, a condição para a salvação também é alterada."
Aqueles que afirmam conhecer a graça de Deus devem falar e agir graciosamente para com todos. Jesus foi descrito como \cheio de graça e verdade\" (João 1:14). Ele proclamou a verdade de tal maneira que as pessoas \"se maravilharam com as palavras graciosas que saíam de sua boca\" (Lucas 4:22) e sua conduta também foi graciosa."
In the New Testament, grace is usually mentioned as something in the past for those who have been saved through faith, or something that can be appropriated in the present for Christian living.
This passage says that God has forgiven believers all their trespasses, or sins. Does all include every kind of sin no matter when it was committed?
Those of us who teach that grace is absolutely free are sometimes accused of teaching license or antinomianism.
How does karma compare to the biblical concept of grace?
To those who have been profoundly changed by a clear understanding of God's grace it is often puzzling why more people, unsaved or saved, do not accept that message.
Grace is used as an excuse not to confront people. So is it gracious to judge another person?
A question often asked by those who hold the Free Grace position is Why is Lordship Salvation so popular?
Theological labels are a convenient way to summarize belief systems. Many labels have become an established part of theological dialogue, like Arminianism, Calvinism, amillennialism, or premillennialism. Many who hear the label 'Free Grace Theology' wonder what it means. Here is a brief summation.
The biblical record of Israel presents God's unrelenting grace that pursued the prodigal nation in the past and persists into the future.
The doctrine of election always provokes a lively discussion among Christians who have a variety of ways to explain it.
Some people say the Free Grace view gives people false and damning assurance on the basis of their profession of faith. After all, they may not have believed with all their heart, turned from all their sins (in their of repentance), or done enough good works.
On October 31, 1517, A Roman Catholic monk named Martin Luther publicly posted his objections to the doctrines of his church. Essentially, Luther had re-discovered the free grace of God obscured through the centuries by man's natural aversion to grace. Now, 500 years later, how is the Protestant church treating the gospel of grace?
A question often heard is \How were people eternally saved in Old Testament days?\" For a more comprehensive perspective
This familiar story depicts God's love for sinners, and indeed that is the main point, but there is much to learn here about God's magnificent grace. In the context, Jesus answers the Pharisees who criticize His love for sinners (Luke 15:2-3) with three stories. The story of the lost son especially illustrates God's love for sinners as an overcoming, amazing, and misunderstood love.
Arminian theology (not Armenian, which is someone from the country of Armenia) is named after its proponent, Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), who objected to the strong determinism of John Calvin. Arminius died before he could formally present his arguments, but his followers formalized them into five articles in the Remonstrance of 1610.
Grace is not only a theological term that helps us understand how God shares His unconditional love towards us, it is also a moral term that should influence our conduct, especially in ministry. All believers in Christ are called to minister (serve) the body of Christ, but that ministry is most effective when it reflects God's love and grace. As a starting point, we must understand that grace not only saves us, but gives us the privilege of and the ability to minister to others (Rom. 1:5; 1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 3:7; 1 Peter 4:10). Here are some ways to practice grace in various ministries.
Since the gospel was first preached, people have objected to the Free Grace teaching that people are saved by the unconditional grace of God through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Often, objections come from misunderstanding the nature of God's grace and what Free Grace teaches. Sometimes objections are merely parroted from others without much thought. Here's how to answer six common objections to Free Grace teaching about salvation.
The fullness of God's grace seems hard to grasp for some. Especially when it is taught in relation to salvation, some raise objections. In \GraceNotes no. 90: Answering Objections to Free Grace
These three passages are similar in that they list sins and the consequence of those who commit them. The passages often confuse people. What kind of people do they describe, believers or unbelievers? What is the point of listing these sins for the original readers and for us today?
What does Roman Catholicism (RC) teach about how a person can be saved eternally? The RC view of salvation is derived from their beliefs about grace, justification, and the atonement, but are they biblical?
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